Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 22 March, 2025

This punter posted money to a pub in Cork after 'feeling bad' about not paying for their pints

The drunken boldness overtook him, but the next morning brought only regret. You know the way.

IT’S LIKE THEY say in that philosophical giant, Love Actually: “Because it’s Christmas. And at Christmas, you tell the truth.”

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The staff at Rearden’s Bar in Cork received what they called an ‘interesting’ letter from a customer yesterday.

The writer told them that they had been drinking in the bar on Monday night and, in a fit of drunken boldness, ran off without paying for some oftheir drinks.

The next day, though, they didn’t feel so proud of their actions, so they decided to pay up:

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Please take for one and half pints of Heineken as I didn’t pay for them on Monday night… Sorry about that! It was drunk me being a badass and I feel bad about it.

The folks at Reardens posted the letter to their Facebook page and, impressed with the customer’s honesty, decided to invest the repaid tenner in tickets for last night’s lottery.

They said that if they won anything, they would donate it to the Simon Community and Cork Penny Dinners.

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Unfortunately, their numbers didn’t come up – but now they’re asking customers to help them come up with a way to raise money for both charities:

reardens Source: Facebook/Reardens Bar

Fair play to all.

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